Sunday, August 10, 2008

Mendon, MA

Here are the Carvalho boys, Alex & Tyler who are 6 month old twins, and a few of Hunter who's their 3 year old big brother. We had this session planned for a while with their parents Chris & Celeste who are really good friends of ours, and of course it was downpouring right before we got there. Now I thought twins wouldn't be so bad as I know Celeste keeps them on the same schedule, but they are so completely different! When one cried the other laughed, while one slept the other was was pretty amusing, but somehow we got some really sweet pictures! I think this song fits so perfectly, for those of you who know Disney's "Toy Story" movie, you can relate and for those of you who don't its basically about 2 completely different toys competing to be a little boys "favorite" and in the end the end up best friends. I can see these three struggling for mom's attention, but in the end they'll be the best of friends.

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