We had a fantastic time! and I'd like to thank everyone for giving me such a great opportunity. Especially Gunnery Sergeant Arsenault, who not only trusted me w/this event, but also brought all the "crew" together to reminisce.
I'll close with this; There is nothing more bone chilling then spending a night in a room filled with Marines; young and old, active and not, women and men, with their pressed uniforms, shiny shoes and metals, war and drill stories....most of which volunteered for their duties. They all some how share this unspoken bond. As a spouse you can sense it, but you can't explain it. All I can do is try to show it to you:
The song: GOODNIGHT SAIGON by Billy Joel
....We met as soul mates On Parris Island........and we were so gung ho To lay down our lives. We came in spastic Like tameless horses We left in plastic As numbered corpses..... We dug in deep And shot on sight And prayed to Jesus Christ With all our might.... And it was dark So dark at night And we held on to each other Like brother to brother We promised our mothers we'd write... And we would all go down together We said we'd all go down together ........

1 comment:
Very well written...you gave me the goosebumps!
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