This is going to be a bit long, but these two made such an impression on me I feel like I have to "dish". Maybe it's because I'm a mom and a hopeless romantic all this makes me extra "mushy"? So I met this amazing couple a few months ago as Jen Leatherwood let me tag along on their engagement shoot. First thing I thought was, wow aren't they BOTH BEAUTIFUL! turns out it's on the outside and inside. As we sat having drinks after that shoot, Tracy talked about how in addition to her nanny job (she couldn't stop talking about how much she loves her job and the children she watches) she also works at a type of orphanage in RI. She and the others that work their ARE these children's families, and you could absolutely see that she means that from the bottom of her heart....she went on and on about so many children and how she's felt like a mom to so many of them and how she just adores all of them. Her caring unfortunately is probably the only goodness most of these children have felt. Takes a lot to be thrown into that, try to mend these kids and then see them go (some of them had been there for years). I can't imagine what that does to one's heart, and how you can keep going back to halve it broken over and over, she must be an ANGEL. Ricky is a police officer and we got to talking about how sometimes when he comes home after a long day of dealing with society's worst problems (I won't go into detail) he comes home to Tracy, and she just seems so "clean and innocent", she's his ANGEL he said. I'm driving on the way home that night and thinking, wow what awesome people and what an awesome photo shoot, I was hoping Jen would let me 2nd shoot the wedding. I actually called her that night as I listened to a song I'd never heard before by Natasha Bettingfield titled "I'll Be Your ANGEL" as I thought it might be an appropriate song for their slideshow. Fast forward to the wedding.......... so I'm in the hotel room w/Ricky and the guys trying to capture all the anticipation of the day and we're just waiting for the staff to clear off the beach to take some pictures outside. I asked Ricky if he was nervous, and he said he was nervous about all the people that were going to watch him, but not nervous about actually marrying Tracy. He literally went on for 5 minutes about how she's been there for him thru so much, and he went on and on about how much he loved her....I swear I got goose bumps then and NOW, he finished with "she's my ANGEL". The wedding went beautifully and everyone was dancing the night away when the fire alarms go off, about 45 minutes later we're told to evacuate the all the wedding guests clear out in addition to the hotel guests into the pouring rain (some of us managed to get under the building's overhang - Jen & I standing outside w/napkins covering our equipment) . About 45 minutes later we were allowed back in and the wedding continued, but talk about CRAZY and MEMORABLE to say the least. So I head home and it was way past midnight and that ANGEL song was on the radio again, talk about timing coincidental? A few days later I found out the building was hit by lightening 3 times that night, twice on the roof and the 3rd time it came thru the main entrance/lobby which was directly adjacent to the reception hall....lucky no one got hurt....I found this out from Tracy who emailed Jen.....guess what's in her email address? ...ANGEL... just kind of give you the goosebumps doesn't it? felt like I HAD to share all this so you can get the "full effect".
Told you it was a long one, hope you survived my rambling. I love this job!
I'll stop writing and share their wonderful images now :-)

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